Okonomos Forum
About the Club

OKONOMOS: The Business and Economics Forum of IMT Nagpur
OKONOMOS: The Business and Economics forum of IMT Nagpur strives to bridge the gap between classroom learning and real-world applications. It provides a platform for students to enhance their business and economic acumen through various initiatives.
The forum’s flagship event, Eco-No-Phobia, is a peer-to-peer learning session that helps students clarify economic concepts through collaborative discussions. It also organised Concord, the inter-college management fest at IMT Nagpur. In that, it held business and economics-based competitions that challenged participants to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios. The forum also releases weekly news flashes and the monthly newsletter – “OKONOMIST”, which features articles written by students, offering in-depth insights into business and economic trends and OKOVERSE, an online news platform on LinkedIn covering recent developments. It also successfully executed OKO-NO-TRIVIA, a unique critical-thinking game that combines mental agility with physical involvement, challenging participants beyond traditional business and economics knowledge. The forum has also successfully participated in M34 and hosted game collaboration with the Milestone Committee.
Through its diverse initiatives and strong social media presence, OKONOMOS continues to create and share valuable content, fostering an environment where students can enhance their understanding of complex concepts and develop a well-rounded perspective on business and Economics.