
Dr. Bibhuti Bhusan Tripathy
Associate Professor (Supply Chain Management) and (Controller of Examinations)
Dr. Bibhuti Bhusan Tripathy is an Associate Professor in the area of Operations at the Institute of Management Technology, Nagpur since March 2016. He holds a Ph.D. in Operations from Symbiosis International University, Pune, and MMS, M.Sc (Mathematics) from Utkal University, Bhubaneswar. Prior to joining IMT, he was Assistant Professor at Symbiosis Institute of Operations Management from June 2007 to February 2016. His teaching interests are operations management, operations and supply chain management, supply chain analytics, distribution network models, operations research, and analytical models. He received “Best Professor in operations management” in the 2nd Asia’s Best B-school Awards 2011 presented by CMO Asia in Singapore. His research interests are operations management, project management, fuzzy set, multi-criteria decision-making, goal Programming, and heuristic methods. His research work is published in national and international journals.
Academic Biography
- Ph.D (Operations) in 2014 from Symbiosis International University, Pune.
- Master of Management Studies (MMS) in 1998 from Utkal University, Bhubaneswar.
- M.Sc. (Mathematics) in 1993 from Utkal University, Bhubaneswar.
Work Experience
- Associate Professor, Institute of Management Technology, Nagpur Since March 2016
- Assistant Professor, Symbiosis Institute of Operations Management, from June 2007 to February 2016.
- Lecturer, Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar, from June 2001 to May 2007.
Academic Unit
- Operations Management, Operations and Supply Chain Management, Operations Research, Distribution Network Models and Applications, Supply Chain Analytics.
Research Interest
- Industry 4.0 (IoT, Blockchain, Smart Contract, AI), Sustainable Supply Chain Management, fuzzy set theory, Analytics and decision-making modeling, multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM), qualitative research.
Research and Publications
Paper Published
- Sharma, J., & Tripathy, B. B. (2023). An integrated QFD and fuzzy TOPSIS approach for supplier evaluation and selection, The TQM Journal, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of- print Publisher: Emerald. Indexed in the “B”, Scopus and Web of Science.
- Tripathy, B. B. & Singh, S. (2022). A fuzzy TOPSIS approach for market segment evaluation and selection. Fuzzy Economic Review, 27 (2), 33-50. Indexed in the “C” category.
- Tripathy, B. B., & Singh, S. (2022). A multi-choice goal programming approach to multi- period production line scheduling problem, Advances, and Applications in Statistics, 81, 85-108. ISSN No: 0972-3617. Indexed in the “C” and Web of Science.
- Singh, S., Tripathy, B.B., & Banerjee, S. (2022). Case study – up in the air: analysis of Air India’s current operations and the road ahead. Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, 26(3), pp. 1-10. Print ISSN: 1096-3685, Online ISSN No: 1528-2635, Indexed in the “C” and Scopus.
- Solanki M, Oberio, S.S., & Tripathy, B. B. (2021). Analysis of Ranking Systems Adopted by Different Countries for Higher Education Institutes. Indian Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. 20 No. 3, pp.1409-1418, ISSN No. 0972-5784, Indexed in
Scopus. - Tripathy B. B., & Singh, S (2021). Selection of Distribution Center Location Using Fuzzy TOPSIS Approach. International Journal of Business and Economics, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 263-279, ISSN (online) 2545-4137. Indexed in Google Scholar.
- Tripathy B. B, (2011). An Optimization Techniques for Crashing PERT networks in Project Management, International Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 277-289. Indexed in Scopus, ISSN- 1745-7645.
- Tripathy B B, & Biswal M. P., (2007). A Zero-One goal programming approach for Project Selection, Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, Vol. 28; No. 4; pp. 619-626. Connect Journal listed, ISSN- 0252-2665.
- Tripathy B. B., & Lidbe A. (2008). Decision Support for Information System Management: An Analytical Hierarchy Process Approach, SCIT Journal, August 2008, Vol. VIII, pp. 15-20.
- Tripathy B. B. (2007). Techniques of Estimating PERT Activity Duration, ICFAI Journal of Operations Management, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 34-39.
Case Published
- Singh S., Tripathy, B. B. (2022). “A Hectic Day and Teaching Note” Case Centre Publication.
- Tripathy B. B. & Singh S. “Supply Chain Model for three-echelon Supply Chain for Deteriorating Items” Paper presented at Symbicon 2024, International conference on the impact of AI & Emerging edge technology on business, SIBM Nagpur, 19th April 2024. (Best Paper Award)
- Tripathy B. B., & Singh S. “A fuzzy TOPSIS approach for market segment evaluation and selection” International conference on future of Business: Opportunities in a post-pandemic World- 2022” held at IMT, Nagpur, April 22-23, 2022. (Best paper award)
- Tripathy B. B., “8th International Conference on Sustainability and Management Strategy” Session Chair, held at Institute of Management Technology, Nagpur, December 15-16, 2023.
- Tripathy B. B. “International conference on future of Business: Opportunities in a post-pandemic World- 2022” Session Chair, held at IMT, Nagpur, April 22-23, 2022.
- Tripathy B. B. “Evaluation of project network activity priority rules using TOPSIS method under resource constraint environment” 2nd Annual Management Conference and Workshop (AMCW 2020) held at IMT, Nagpur, January 27-29, 2020. (Best paper award)
- Tripathy B. B., & Biswal M. P., A Zero-One goal programming approach for Project Selection, Paper presented at IIM, Ahmadabad, National Conference On Management Science and practices, March 31-April 1, 2006.
- Tripathy B. B., “Decision Support System for Information System Management: An Analytic Hierarchy Process Approach”, Presented in 9th International Conference on Decision Support System at IIM, Calcutta during January 2-4, 2007.
- Tripathy B. B., ” A multi-choice goal programming approach to multi-period production line scheduling”, Presented at 11th Annual Conference of Operations Management Society at SIOM, Nashik, December 21-23, 2007.
- Tripathy B. B., “An Optimization Techniques for Crashing PERT networks in Project Management”, Presented in AIMS International Conference at IBS, Hyderabad during 27- 30, December 2008.
- Tripathy B. B., “Simulation of Estimating PERT Activity Duration by Lognormal Approach” Presented at IIM Ahmadabad, MSP09 conference, during Feb 13-15, 2009.
- Tripathy B. B., Multi-objective Job-shop Scheduling: An Integer Goal Programming Approach, Proceeding of International Conference on Technology and Business Management, Dubai, March 31-April 2, 2009.
- Tripathy B. B., & Ganapathy L., A Comparison of experimental Heuristic and Optimal solution in Resource Constrained Project Scheduling, Presented in 14th Annual conference of Operations Management Society, NITIE, Mumbai during December 17-19, 2010.
- Tripathy B. B., & Ganapathy L., Multiple Resource Constrained Time-Cost Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms, Presented at International Conference of Operations and Quantitative Management, SIOM, Nashik, during June 28-30, 2011.
- Tripathy B. B., & Ganapathy L., Crashing stochastic PERT Networks with resource constrained project scheduling problem, Presented at 16th Annual International Conference of Operations Management Society, during, December 21-23, 2012.
- Bibhuti Tripathy, Jitendra Vishnolia , & Rohit Kr. Singh, Kumbh Mela: Nasik City Logistics study of the state shuttle-bus transportation system using simulation approach, Presented at 19th Annual International Conference of Operations Management Society, during, December 11-13, 2015.
- Sana Ibrahim Kankanady, Rohit Kumar Singh, & Bibhuti Tripathy, Development of Lean Measurement Index using Fuzzy Approach: A Case study of Indian Manufacturing Sector, Presented at 19th Annual International Conference of Operations Management Society, during, December 11-13, 2015.
Workshop/FDP Conducted/Participation
- International Faculty Development Program: Digitalization of Management education in South Asia, Online, 28th-30th September 2020.
- Indian B-School Leadership Conclave 2021 (Organized by AACSB and EPSI ) Theme: Indian B-Schools Navigating a Sustainable Future by Merging Local & Global Best Practices, Online, 27th – 28th April 2021
- Conducted “AICTE ATAL FDP on Operations Management” held at IMT, Nagpur, Online,17th to 21st January 2022 (5 days), Program Coordinator & resource person, 105 candidates participated.
- Conducted “AICTE ATAL FDP on Operations Management” held at IMT, Nagpur, Online, 23rd Feb to 27th Feb 2021 (5 days); Program Coordinator& resource person 199 candidates participated.
- Resource person for FDP title on Optimization Models and their applications, Bosch India Limited, Nashik.
- Conducted FDP title on Statistical Software MINITAB at Spkal College of Management Studies, Nashik.
- Conducted FDP on Project Management- Planning and Scheduling projects in a resource-constrained environment, Fox Control, Nashik.
- Attended Faculty Development Programme on Operations Management at IIM Bangalore from 16 November to 20 November 2009.
- Attended an FDP Program, “Publishing Academic Research in International Refereed Journals,” by Prof. Omprakash Gupta , Prairie A&M University, USA, at Symbiosis Institute of Operations Management, Nashik, December 24-25, 2007.
- Symbiosis Faculty Development Programme “ The Five Challenges for Educators’ at SIU on 11th August 2010.
- Faculty Development Programme on Case Method of Teaching in B-school at SIOM on 21st August 2010
Institutional Role
- Controller of Examinations: July 2024- till date
- Library Chairperson: December 2020- April 2023
- Area Chair (Operations Management): June 2019- June 2024
- Controller of Examinations: April 2017 – October 2020
Achievements and Awards
- Received best paper award Paper presented at Symbicon 2024 International conference on the impact of AI & Emerging edge technology on business, SIBM Nagpur, 19th April 2024.
- Received best paper award International Conference on Future of Business: Opportunities in a post-pandemic World- 2022” held at IMT, Nagpur, April 22-23, 2022.
- Received award for Best Professor in Operations Management from RULA World Research Council and United Medical Council, Tiruchirappalli, India, 15th August 2019.
- Received award for Distinguished Professor in Operations Management from Venus International Trust, Chennai in recognition of Outstanding Contributions, Significant Achievements, and Sustained Excellence in the field of Operations Management, during the Contemporary Academic Meet-VICAM 2016 held on 9 July 2016 at Chennai.
- Received “2nd Asia’s Best B-school Awards 2011” for Best Professor in Operations Management presented by CMO Asia, on 22nd, July 2011 in Singapore.
- First class First in Master of Management Studies (MMS), Utkal University, Bhubaneswar.