Dr. Rajiv Joshi
Associate Professor
I am working as Associate professor at IMT, Nagpur in area of marketing.
Academic Biography
- Ph. D. (Marketing), Department of Business Administration, Bhavnagar University (2011)
- MMM, Faculty of Management, Alagappa University (1999)
- PGDMM, Department of Commerce, Bhavnagar University, (1998)
- BBA, Saurashtra University (1997)
Work Experience
- Associate Professor, Institute of Management Technology, Nagpur Since February 2016
- Associate Professor, Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, Ahmedabad (Jan. 2012 Feb. 2016)
- Assistant Professor, SKIPS School of Business, Ahmedabad (March 2009 January 2012)
- Faculty, Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, Ahmedabad (May 2007 Feb. 2009)
- Principal, SRK Institute of Management & Computer Education, Anjar (Sept. 2006 April 2007)
- Faculty, INC, Gujarat (A Constituent of ICFAI Group) (Jan. 2005 Sept. 2006)
Visiting Teaching Engagements
- Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar: Full course ‘Introduction to Marketing’ (Jan-April, 2014)
- National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT), Gandhinagar: Full Course on ‘Entrepreneurship’ (2013)
- Indian Institute of Management, Indore: Delivered Module of Five Sessions on ‘Case Method of Teaching and Pedagogical Tools’ (4th Edition of FDP in 2012)
Professional Experience
- Prior to joining academics, worked as sales and marketing professional in diversified industries and sectors at various positions. Combined experience in general management, sales and marketing, sales training, and client relationship management
Professional Development
- Faculty Development Program in Management (FDPM), IIM Indore (April-July 2011)
- Case Writing Workshop on Family Entrepreneurship, ISB Hyderabad, (2014)
- Case Method Workshop by European Case Clearing House (The Case Centre), (2009)
- Short term course on ‘Statistical Modeling for Data Analysis’ at VGSOM, IITKharagpur.(2010)
- FDP on Retail Management, by Retailers Association of India (2009)
- Research Proposal and Report Writing Workshop, IIM-Ahmedabad (2008)
- Workshop on “Research in Open and Distance Learning” by IGNOU (2007)
Research and Publications
- Joshi Rajiv (With Dinesh Awasthi), (2015) ‘The Innovators: Stories of HiTech Entrepreneurs Supported by Department of Science & Technology’ Collection of 25 stories, Authored and Edited, BookWell Publishers: New Delhi, ISBN: 9789380574844 (Project sponsored by Department of Science and Technology, Government of India)
- Joshi R (2014), ‘Cases in Marketing and Strategy’ Book of Nine Assorted Teaching Cases, BookWell Publishers: New Delhi, ISBN: 9789380574554
- Joshi R. (With Batthini G., Bhatt V.) (2014) “Thematic & Analysis ‘The Journal of Entrepreneurship Articles” BookWell Publishers: New Delhi ISBN: 9789380574646
- Joshi R. and Kulkarni V. (2016) Case 8: Maqsud’s Max Kitchen Indulge in Food’ Case Studies in Management, Sarla A. and Vilas K (Editors), ISBN: 9789352622627, Himalaya Publishing House
- Joshi R. and Kulkarni V. (2016) Case 7: N Ten Consultancy Pvt. Ltd.’ Case Studies in Management, Sarla A. and Vilas K (Editors), ISBN: 9789352622627, Himalaya Publishing House
- Joshi R. (2016) ‘Fitternity: Startup Strategy and Business Model Analysis’ Reference no. 81600961 (Teaching note: Reference no. 81600968), Registered with The Case Centre
- Joshi R. (2016) ‘Trushen Patel’s Entrepreneurial Pursuits’ Reference no. 81601001 (Teaching note: Reference no. 81601008), Registered with The Case Centre
- Joshi R. and Shah B. (2016) ‘KENT RO: Market Challenges of a Startup’ Reference no. 81601161 (Teaching note: Reference no. 81601168), Registered with The Case Centre
- Joshi R. and Gangal A. (2016) ‘Bhai Prahladhji Ladhaji: Exploring Strategic Direction and Business Models’ Reference no. 31603821 (Teaching note: Reference no. 31603828), Registered with The Case Centre