
Prof. Milind Fadnavis
Associate Professor
I am working as Associate professor at IMT, Nagpur in area of marketing. I have done my post graduation in field of commerce from RTM, Nagpur University and completed my MBA from Pune University. I have worked in textile line for 5 years and then started marketing of industrial products. Since 2007, I am working at I M T and my interest lies in Indian rural market, Tourism Marketing. I have attended conferences at global level and published papers in various journals. My cases are also published in ECCH.
Academic Biography
- Masters in Commerce, in 1976 from Nagpur University.
- Masters in Business Administration, in 1979 from Pune University Specialization – Marketing.
- Bachelor of Arts (Additional) English Literature, in 1976 from Nagpur University .
- Diploma in Farm Management and Extension Methods, Israel (1980).
Work Experience
- Co-ordinator Department of Business Management, Nagpur University Nagpur for five and half years. 1998 -2003
- Visiting faculty to various Management Institutes and Engineering Colleges in Nagpur till from 1992- 2003
Professional Experience
- Participated in International Week of Department of Business Administration & Industrial Engineering of Offenburg University Germany from May 26 to May 28, 2014 and delivered lectures in Marketing Strategy.
- Associate Professor – Marketing, Institute of Management Technology, Nagpur since May 2007.
- Assistant. Professor, Department of Management Technology, Ramdeobaba Kamla Nehru Engineering College, Katol Road Nagpur (June 2006 – April 2007).
- Additional Director – HRD (Consultant) at Vasantrao Naik State Agricultural Extension Management Training Institute, Nagpur, for implementation of World Bank project of Department of Agriculture, Government of Maharashtra. (March 2003 – May 2006)
- HRD Training for other private and public sector organizations. like Ordnance Factories Staff College, Western Coal Fields Ltd, Mineral Exploration Corporation Limited, Regional Training Institute of Accountant General, RCF Ltd, Department of Forest Govt. of Maharashtra, Nagpur Police.
- Co-ordinator – Department of Business Management, RTM Nagpur University (Nov 1998 – April 2003).
- Proprietary business in the area of Industrial Marketing (1986 – 1998).
- Marketing Assistant with Empress Mills, Nagpur (1981 – 1985).
- Jr. Sales Executive, United Ink & Varnish Company Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai-India
- Assistant Administrative officer,International Trading & Construction Company,Mumbai
Academic Unit
- Integrated Marketing Communication
- Rural Marketing
- Marketing Management I and II
- Retail Management
- Training & Development
Research Interest
- Marketing of Tourism products,Consumer Behaviour, Cross-cultural Management
Research and Publications
- Article published in SME Jan 2019 issue titled ” APPLICATION OF CONCEPT OF ‘PYRO MARKETING’ TO TAP RURAL INDIA”.
- Participated and presented paper titled “Marketing Zarengold Luxury Train Journey To High net Worth Individual Indian Tourists” at International Conference on Hospitality & Tourism management(ICHTM 2014)- May 21-22, 2014 at Paris France.
- Presented a paper titled “Application of Acculturation Curve In Movie Outsourced” on Friday 1st March 2013 at CIBMRD (Central Institute of Business Management Research & Development Nagpur)in conference sponsored by ICSSR Delhi .
- Presented a paper in 12th International Marketing Trends Conference held at ESCP EAP Paris between January 17-19, 2013 on topic-PROMOTING SLOVAKIA TO INTERNATIONAL TOURISTS FROM WESTERN INDIA- AN EXPLORATORY STUDY
- Presented a paper titled “The Unsung & Unknown Heroes of Marketing Innovations in India” at ICTBM- Bhubaneswar
- Presented a paper titled “Impact of Information Technology organization’s work culture on individual worker in Indian metros” at 4th Global Conference SAF4 – Strangers, Aliens & Foreigners organized by Inter-Disciplinary. Net at Mansfield College Oxford U K held between September 21-23, 2012.
- Chaired a session UNTITLED CONSEQUENCES in the above conference on Sunday , September 23 , 2012.
- Presented a Paper title “PRIORITISATION OF INTERNATIONAL DESTINATIONS BY HNI TOURIST WITH DECORATED EMPTY NEST FROM WESTERN INDIA” at 11th World Marketing Trends Congress held at ESCP EAP- Venice Italy between January 19-21, 2012.
- Presented a paper on ‘The 4Ps of marketing mix from consumer’s point of view in India: A concave marketing approach proposition’ at 4th Biennial Conference of the Academy of World Business, Marketing and management Development- hosted by university of Oulu-Finland, July 12-15,2010.
- Presented a paper on ‘Marketing to Hindus’ at 10th International Marketing Trends conference at ESCP-EAP Paris, January 20-22 , 2011.
- Presented a paper on ‘Marketing of Religious Tourism’ at Emerging Markets Conference by Academy of Indian Marketing at Delhi, December 16-18,2010.
- Presented a paper on “Application of ‘Bank Account Method’ to Understand of Tourist’s Design” at a four days 9th International Conference on Operation and Quantitative Management , organised by AIMS International at LOYOLA – MARYMOUNT University L-A USA, 27-30 july 2009.
- Presented a paper on “Categorization of products on basis of their impact on individual International Congress – Marketing Trends” at a three days 8th International Marketing Trends Congress, organised by ESCP-EAP European School of Management Paris , 15- 17 jan 2009.
- Presented a paper on “Relevance of symptoms of IDIOT by Samarth Ramdas Swami in to day’s work-life” at a four days AIMS International Conference, at IBA Noida, 28-31 December 2009.
- Presented a paper on “Developing Tourism Culture in India” at a two days 5th Indian Tourism Congress, Jammu 14-15 December 2007.
- Presented a paper on “Application of concept of Pyro Marketing to Tourism” at a International Conference on Cutting Edge Research in Tourism, Shimla 17 – 18 March 2007.
- Attended case writing workshop at ESADE Barcelona conducted by ECCH on 24/25th Jan. 2019
- Took six sessions in training program titled “Participatory Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation” conducted at TARA Livelihood Academy, Orchha M P for trainees from Handicap International- Delhi ( May 5-08, 2014)
- Attended 4 days program at IMT Ghaziabad between July 22-25, 2013. The workshop was on DOING BUSINESS WITH CHINA and was conducted by Prof Birud Sindhav of College of Business Administration, University of Nebraska, at Omaha NE.
- Participated in workshop on Cross Cultural Management Issues in Global Marketing Management conducted by AIMA at Delhi on 13-14 July 2012.
Recent articles :
- Marketing Ideas, (The Hitavada, 20th May, 2014, page 8)