
Dr. T. K. Chatterjee is an Associate Professor in Marketing Area since April 2011. He has corporate experience of 21 years and has been in academics for more than 17 years. He holds a PhD in Management from NLU Jodhpur. His research interest is in Tourism Marketing area. He has presented several papers in National and International Conferences in India and abroad. He has published several research articles in journals of repute including one paper in A* Journal. He has consulting and training experience with large corporates. In his leisure time Dr. Chatterjee is fond of playing Chess and singing on Karaoke.
Academic Biography
- PhD in Management from National Law University, Jodhpur
- MBA [Mktg] in 1985 from Patna University
- B.A. Sociology (Hons.) in 1981 from Patna University
- Certification course in ‘Digital Marketing’ from Internshala
Work Experience
- Joined IMT Nagpur as an Associate Professor in Marketing Area on 18th April,2011
- Associate Professor-Marketing, EMPI Business School, 2010-April 2011
- Associate Professor-Marketing, KIIT School Of Management, KIIT University, 2009-2010
- Faculty Member-Marketing, Icfai Business School, 2007-2009
- CEO, Utkal Automobiles Ltd., 2004-2006
- General Manager, Bebbco Toyota, 1998-2004
- Regional Manager, Hindustan Composites Ltd., 1996-1998
- Regional Manager, Shriram Refrigeration Industries, 1992-1996
- Area Sales Manager, Standard Batteries Ltd., 1989-1992
- Territory Manager, Modi Xerox Ltd., 1985-1989
Academic Unit
Courses Taught
Retail Management, Sales & Distribution Management, B2B Marketing, Marketing Management I & Marketing Management II.
Teaching Interests
Retail Management & Sales & Distribution Management.
Research Interest
Tourism Marketing
Visiting Assignments
- Have been visiting Xavier Institute Of Management at Bhubaneswar
- Have been Regular Resource Person at The Regional Training Centre of Oriental Insurance Company Limited at Bhubaneswar for imparting training to their middle & senior level managers.
- Have been consulting with Orissa State Civil Supplies Corporation Limited on their proposed revamp
- Have been visiting IMT Hyderabad
Research Publications
Research Articles published :
- Rishi, B., & Chatterjee, T. K. (2023). Typology of Indian Domestic Tourists: Clustering Based on Motives to Visit. FIIB Business Review, 23197145231151328. [ABDC- C]
- Chatterjee, T. K., Mitra, S. K., & Ray Nilanjan (2022). Marketing of Tourism Destination in the Context of Tiger Safari, ASEAN Journal on Hospitality and Managent, Vol. 20, No. 1, April 2022, pp. 1-16. [ABDC –C ]
- Singh, S., Chatterjee, T.K., & Bhowmick, S. (2022). Customer satisfaction and service innovations of chain restaurants in india-domestic vs. International chains. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 26(3),1-9. [ABDC – B]
- Thakur, C. K., Vijay, T. S., & Chatterjee, T. K. (2022). A Study on Travelers’ Motivation to Provide Online Reviews. Indian Journal of Marketing, 52(2), 8-22.[ABDC – C]
- Mitra, S. K., Chattopadhyay, M., & Chatterjee, T. K. (2022). Can Tourism Development Reduce Gender Inequality?. Journal of Travel Research, 00472875211073975.[ABDC – A*]
- Chatterjee, T. K., & Rishi, B. (2020). Determining Factors of Length of Stay of Indian Domestic Tourists. ASEAN Journal on Hospitality and Tourism, 18(1), 29-42.[ABDC – C]
- Published article titled “understanding Indian Domestic Tourists Travel Motivations: Validation of scale” in International Journal for Neo Classical Research and Development in Management Jan-March & April-June 2016.
- Article titled ” A motive based segmentation of Indian domestic tourists” published in “International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management”, vol.14, No.2, 2017, an inderscience publication.[ABDC – C]
- Article titled “Innovating Business Models : A Challenge for the New Millennium Managers” published in “International Journal for Neo Classical Research and Development in Management”, Vol 4, Number 1 & 2, Jan-Mar & Apr-June, 2018 issue.
- Aricle titled “Measuring Marketing Productivity : An Enigma for New Millennium Marketing Managers” published in “International Journal for Neo Classical Research and Development in Management”, Vol 4, Number 3 & 4, July-Sep, Oct-December, 2018 issue.
Conference Papers/Other published Articles :
- Paper titled “Impact of Covid 19 pandemic on Tourism & Hospitality Industry : The Road Ahead” accepted for presentation in “7th International Conference on Sustainability and Management Strategy. 2021” (ICSMS 2021) to be held on September 30th and October 1st, 2021 organized by IMT Nagpur in Collaboration with CSIR-NEERI Nagpur & CSUSB United States.
- Presented a paper titled “A STUDY OF CHAOS AND COMPLEXITY OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR TOWARDS VIRTUAL AND PHYSICAL SHOPPING PLATFORM” in the threeday online international conference on “Paradigm Shift in Global Business Ecosystem Post COVID – 19 Perspectives” jointly organized by Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies (KUFOS) & Holy Grace Academy of Management Studies on 09, 10 & 11 September 2021.
- Published an article in “SME World” August 2021 issue titled “Why Consumers Prefer Brands with Purpose”
- Published an article in “SME World” July 2021 issue titled “Nuances of Branding To Millennial Parents”.
- Published an article in SME World, June 2021 issue titled “Zomato : A Winner in the Game of Branding”.
- Published an article in SME World, May 2021 issue titled “Bright Side of Covid 19 : Industries positively impacted by the Pandemic”.
- Presented a paper titled “Understanding Indian Domestic Tourists: A Segmentation Approach” at Global Hospitality and Tourism Conference (GHTC), 2020 organized by North Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Shillong, on March 20, 2021.
- Article titled “Technology Adoption : An Imperative in Sales” published in “SME World, March, 2019 issue”.
- Article titled “Innovation : The Heart of Business Model” published in “SME World, January, 2019 issue”.
- Article titled “Sales Force Automation : Boon or Bane for Marketers” published in “SME World, August, 2018 issue”.
- Article titled “Sales Force Automation : Boon or Bane for Marketers” published in “SME World, August, 2018 issue”.
- Paper titled “Segmenting Indian Domestic Tourists on the Basis of Travel Motivations” presented in the 11th Great Lakes NASMEI Marketing Conference in Chennai held on 22nd and 23rd December, 2017.
- Presented Paper on “Measuring Marketing Productivity : An Enigma For New Millennium Marketing Managers” at International IJAS Conference For Academic Disciplines at University of Nevada in Las Vegas, USA, held on 18th – 22nd March, 2013.
- Presented case titled “Andy’s Footwear” at the 2nd International Case Conference (ICC 2011) held at Goa from November 3rd to 5th 2011, organized by Institute of Management Technology, Nagpur.
- Presented a paper titled “Strategic Issues In Retail Marketing” in AICTE sponsored 6th National Seminar on “Marketing Opportunities & Challenges in the Knowledge Economy” held on 11th-13th March 2010 at Bhubaneswar organized by Srusti Academy of Management.
- Published an article titled “Chess : A Game Of Strategy” in Orissa Chess Review [Vol-01, Issue No.-01] in April 2008.
- Published an article titled “Creating Value: Challenges for Firms” in The Accounting World, Special Issue in July 2008.
- Presented paper in AICTE sponsored National Conference on “Creating Value : Challenges For Firms” held on July 13-15th 2007 organized by the Institute of Business & Computer Studies at Bhubaneswar
- Presented a paper in the National Level Seminar on “Corporate Restructuring” held at IDCOL Auditorium at Bhubaneswar on 29th September, 2007 organized by VISWASS
Book published
- Book titled “A Study of Segmentation and Motivations of Indian Domestic Tourists” published by Scholar’s Press, Germany in 2018.
Book Reviewed
- Reviewed the book titled “Sales & Distribution Management : An Indian Perspective” authored by P. Venugopal ( Sage Publishing).
Management/Faculty Development Programmes attended :
- Attended FDP on “Research Methodology” [May 5th –May 7th, 2008] at IBS Gurgaon
- Attended National Workshop on “ Statistical Data Analysis” conducted by IMT Nagpur on 23rd, 24th and 25th January, 2012 at IMT Nagpur.
- Attended FDP on “Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)” held during December 8-11, 2014 at Institute of Management Technology, Dubai. Course Coordinators being Prof. Joseph Hair & Prof. Marko Sarstedt.
- Attended an FDP on “Construct and Theory Development in Social Sciences” conducted by Dr. Naresh Malhotra at IMT Ghaziabad during 29th November – 1st December, 2015.
- Successfully completed “ISB Master Teacher Programme 2016” organized by the Centre for Learning and Management Practice, Indian School of Business at Hyderabad.
- Attended MDP on “Multivariate Data Analysis” during June 5-10, 2017 organized by Vinod Gupta School of Management, IIT Kharagpur.
- Attended Case Method Teaching Seminar at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad offered by Harvard Business Publishing & IIMA Case Centre on December 1 -2, 2017.
- Attended “International Faculty Development Workshop” organized by Jindal Global Business School in collaboration with AIM & NASMEI during (1-5 ) July, 2018.
- Attended “The Conference and Workshop on Case Study Development” on (2nd to 4th January, 2019) at IMT Nagpur conducted by Dr. V. G. Narayanan of Harvard Business School.
- Attended “ISB – JM Research Development Workshop” on (11th – 12th January , 2020) at ISB Hyderabad.
Invited Lectures :
- Invited as an eminent panelist in Corporate Round Table on the theme “Emerging Marketing Trends in Digital Era” at Prestige Institute of Management Research, Gwalior on October 18, 2022.
- Invited as Keynote Speaker at International Conference on Emerging Management Trends: Financial Literacy, Financial Inclusion and Fintech [3Fs] ICEMT-2022 held on March 24-25, 2022 Organised by Faculty of Management & Commerce, Manipal University Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
- Delivered a talk as Keynote Speaker in C-Suite Executives International Conference organized by Dhunicorn on 26th February, 2022.
- Delivered talk as ‘Plenary Speaker’ at “International Conference on Advancement in Science, Technology and Management” on 24th December organized by S. B. Jain Institute of Technology, Management & Research, Nagpur.
- Invited to deliver Keynote Address in “7th International Conference on Sustainability and Management Strategy. 2021” (ICSMS 2021) to be held on September 30th and October 1st, 2021 organized by IMT Nagpur in Collaboration with CSIR-NEERI Nagpur & CSUSB United States.
- Delivered ‘Keynote Address’ in “International Conference on Business, Management, Social and Economical Advancements” organized by Research Culture Society and Warsaw University of Life Science, Poland, in their inaugural session on June 26, 2021
- Invited as Keynote Speaker at International Conference on Emerging Management Trends: Financial Literacy, Financial Inclusion and Fintech [3Fs] ICEMT-2022 held on March 24-25, 2022 Organised by Faculty of Management & Commerce, Manipal University Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Delivered a talk as Keynote Speaker in C-Suite Executives International Conference organized by Dhunicorn on 26th February, 2022.
Delivered talk as ‘Plenary Speaker’ at “International Conference on Advancement in Science, Technology and Management” on 24th December organized by S. B. Jain Institute of Technology, Management & Research, Nagpur.
Invited to deliver Keynote Address in “7th International Conference on Sustainability and Management Strategy. 2021” (ICSMS 2021) to be held on September 30th and October 1st, 2021 organized by IMT Nagpur in Collaboration with CSIR-NEERI Nagpur & CSUSB United States.
Delivered ‘Keynote Address’ in “International Conference on Business, Management, Social and Economical Advancements” organized by Research Culture Society and Warsaw University of Life Science, Poland, in their inaugural session on June 26, 2021
Delivered One Day National Webinar on the topic “Innovative Approaches in Management Teaching to Meet the Demand of Industry 4.0 : An Imperative” organized by Vignan’s Foundation for Science, Technology and Research (Deemed to be University) on June 19, 2021 that was live on You Tube with close to 1000 participants from all over the country
Delivered a talk on the topic “Mantra for Success in Sales” invited by Abhav Foundation, Bilaspur on May15, 2021
Delivered a talk as Eminent speaker in a Workshop at Charusat University, Anad, Gujarat on the topic “Innovative Approached to Meet Industry 4.0 Scenario” on April 30, 2021.
Delivered a talk as an Eminent Speaker on the topic “Innovative Approaches in Engineering Technology and Management Teaching” in One Week International FDP organized by Babu Banarasi Das Institute of Technology and Management, Lucknow on April 17, 2021.
Delivered a talk as a Distinguished Speaker on “Curriculum 4.0” in International Digital Conference jointly organized by University of Management & Technology (UMT). Lahore, Pakistan, and Jagdish Sheth School of Management (Jagsom), Bangalore, on March 26, 2021.
Delivered Plenary Talk in International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Social Empowerment: Converging Emerging Technologies and Growth in business November 27-28, 2020, (Jointly Organized by GITAM HBS and EGADE Business School, Mexico)
- Was given “The Best Teacher in Marketing Management” award by Lokmat National Education Leadership Awards in July, 2015.